
五果の連画 Five Paintings of the Five Fruits (2018)

五果を主題に描いた5点の連作です。2018年に大阪のSUNABAギャラリーさまで初出展した後、全5点に加筆修正を加えました。 The five paintings on flowers of the five fruits which are related to wuxing. I reworked the paintings after they were first exhibited at Sunaba Gallery (Osaka, Japan) in 2018.

《A Drip to the Moon》 ‘A Drip to the Moon’ (2017)

2017年にSUNABAギャラリーさまの公募グループ展「もつれる」に出展したアクリル画です。 An acrylic painting which was exhibited at Sunaba Gallery's "Tangled" in 2017.