ティーギャラリー モネ での個展 (2008年) Solo exhibition at Tea Gallery Monet (Japan) in 2008

This blog post is about my fourth solo exhibition.

田村元 絵画展 -昨日から明日への道-
ティーギャラリー モネ (香川県) ※2010年閉廊
Gen Tamura’s Painting Exhibition – Path from Yesterday to Tomorrow
September 2, 2008 – September 29, 2008
Tea Gallery Monet (Kagawa, Japan) *Closed in 2010


会場となった「ティーギャラリー モネ」は、香川県高松市にあった紅茶専門のカフェでした。美術に造詣の深いマスターが入れてくれる紅茶は絶品でした。



Tea Gallery Monet was a tea cafe in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. The cafe’s owner had a profound knowledge, and his black tea tasted excellent.

This solo exhibition was featured by the compilation of my main older works including the unreleased works in my college days, and my latest paintings at that time. As the exhibition’s title symbolized, the exhibition succeeded to overlook the process of my growing from the past to the next stage.

And, I little dreamed that this exhibition became the chance to hold the next solo exhibition which would greatly change my life.
