画家の衣服に対する先入観 Preconceptions about painters’ clothes

Ceci n'est pas un Beret. これはベレー帽ではない 画家の衣服に対する先入観 ブログ記事 イラストレーター タムラゲン

イラスト:タムラゲン Illustration by Gen Tamura


最近では、NHKの連続テレビ小説『なつぞら』でも、作画担当の井戸原昇 (小手信也) がベレー帽を被っていたように、ドラマや漫画を見ても、日本では「画家はベレー帽を被っている」という先入観は、まだ根強いようです。



【エプロン】 これは定番かもしれません。もっとも、絵の具だらけのシャツやズボンは若い絵描きをたまに見かけますが、エプロンは普段着ではないですし。
【パイプ】 くわえている画家を2名(どちらも中年と初老の男性)見たことがあります。
【髭】 男性画家の方が一般の男性より髭を生やしている印象がありますが確証はありません。
【長髪】 松本清張の推理小説『隠花平原』の主人公は画家でした。登場人物の一人が主人公の長髪を見て彼が画家だと分かる場面がありました。小説が出版された当時 (1993年) は、長髪の画家が多かったのでしょうか?





It was when I saw the exhibition of the paintings by an art clinic’s students at a gallery in Takamatsu city eight years ago. A computer at the gallery was playing the video of TV program which introduced the art clinic organization in Takamatsu. I could not help smiling wryly because all the TV personalities who drew pictures with the art clinic skill, were wearing berets.

Looking at other comics and illustrations, a preconception that “painters wear berets” still seems to be deeply rooted in Japan.

When I introduce myself as a painter, some people say “I thought painters wear berets” because I have not worn a beret. No other painters around me wear berets unless they cosplay.

That makes me wonder whether other clothes and props could remind us of painters other than beret.

[Apron] This might be a standard item. Although some young artists wear shirts and pants covered in paintings, apron is not a casual wear.
[Tobacco pipe] I have seen two painters with pipes in their mouths. Both were middle-aged and elder male.
[Beard or mustache] I get the impression that more male painters grow beard or mustache than other males, but I have no proof.
[Long hair] The protagonist of Seicho Matsumoto’s detective novel “Inga Heigen” was a painter. The other character noticed he was a painter because he wore his hair long. Were there many long-haired painters when the novel was published in 1993?

By the way, none of these items apply to me though.
