I just completed a painting which I will exhibit at a group exhibition in Tokyo next month. This blog post is about the process of painting.

作品の寸法は F0 (18 × 14 cm) で、支持体は楮紙とシナベニヤパネル、使用画材はアクリル絵の具 (リキテックス) です。
The dimensions of this painting are 5.5 × 7.1 in. (18 × 14 cm). I painted it with acrylics (Liquitex) on kōzoshi (Japanese mulberry paper) and wood panel.
2月3日(日) 下絵を楮紙に転写した後、ジェッソを塗っておいたパネルに水張りしました。
[Sun. Feb. 3] After transferring an esqisse to kōzoshi, I soaked and stretched the paper to a gessoed wood panel.

[Sun. Feb. 3] After transferring an esqisse to kōzoshi, I soaked and stretched the paper to a gessoed wood panel.

2月7日(木) 楮紙にグロスポリマーメディウムの三層目を塗りました。
[Thu. Feb.3] I coated the paper with the third layer of gloss polymer medium.

[Thu. Feb.3] I coated the paper with the third layer of gloss polymer medium.

2月28日(木) ジェッソが完全に乾燥した後、彩色を開始しました。その途中経過です。
[Thu. Feb. 28] After gesso dried completely, I began painting. Work in progress.

[Thu. Feb. 28] After gesso dried completely, I began painting. Work in progress.

この作品は、4月に、gallery hydrangea (東京) の公募企画展「春の夜に花の見る夢」に出展します。
This painting will be exhibited at the group exhibition “Dreams of the Flowers in the Night of Spring” of Gallery Hydrangea (Tokyo) in April.