昨日、gallery hydrangea様の企画公募展『春の夜に花の見る夢』に展示中の拙作《夢見心地》がお迎え頂きました。
Yesterday, my painting “Dreamy” which was exhibited at Gallery Hydrangea was sold.
It was a delightful surprise on the first day of the exhibition. I am thankful to someone who purchased my painting and to the gallery’s owner.
“Dreamy” will be exhibited with my other painting “Daydream” during the exhibition.
gallery hydrangea様の企画公募展『春の夜に花の見る夢』は、4月15日(月) まで開催中です。個性豊かな作家さん達の作品を是非ご覧ください。
Gallery Hydrangea’s group exhibition will be held until April 15th. Please come and see the works by the artists with various individualities.
gallery hydrangea 企画公募展『春の夜に花の見る夢』
展示期間:2019年4月4日(木) ~ 4月15日(月) ※定休日:4月9日(火)、4月10日(水)
展示時間:13:00 ~ 18:30 (最終日は17:00まで)
会場:gallery hydrangea (ギャラリー・ハイドランジア)
〒131-0032 東京都墨田区東向島1-3-5
“Dreams of the Flowers in the Night of Spring“
April 4, 2019 – April 15, 2019 (Closes on April 9 and April 10)
13:00 – 18:30 (Closes at 17:00 on the last day)
Gallery Hydrangea
1-3-5 Higashimukoujima Sumida-ku Tokyo 131-0032 Japan
Admission free