伊福部昭《交響頌偈「釈迦」》初演30周年 Akira Ifukube’s Symphonic Ode: Gotama the Buddha premiere

30年前の今日 (4月8日) は、伊福部昭の名曲《交響頌偈「釈迦」》が初演された日です。
Thirty years ago today (April 8th), Akira Ifukube’s masterpiece Symphonic Ode “Gotama the Buddha” was premiered in Japan.

伊福部昭 《交響頌偈「釈迦」》 Akira Ifukube's Symphonic Ode: Gothama the Buddha (1989) イラスト:タムラゲン Illustration by Gen Tamura

イラスト:タムラゲン Illustration by Gen Tamura

Buddha’s Birthday Concert sponsored by Jodo Shu Buddhist Denomination Tokyo District Youth Association
Date: April 8th, 1989
Place: You-Port Kan-i Hoken Hall
Conductor: Kazuhiko Komatsu
Orchestra: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Chorus: Tokyo Oratorio Society and Taisho University Mixed Chorus
Choral director: Hiroshi Gunji

Although I am agnostic, I always feel sanctity of this solemn score every time I listen to it.

While Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is frequently performed in Japan at the end of the year, I think Mr. Ifukube’s “Buddha” should be performed more often.

Incidentally, when Mr. Ifukube was asked whether or not Beethoven should have included vocals in the Ninth Symphony, he said “[Beethoven] should have called the piece a symphonic cantata instead of a symphony”.
Akira Ifukube Interview I by David Milner, Translation by Yoshihiko Shibata (Conducted in December 1992) ※現在リンク切れ

私が《交響頌偈「釈迦」》の生演奏を初めて聴いたのは、2004年5月31日にサントリーホールで開催された「伊福部昭 九十歳[卆寿]を祝うバースデイ・コンサート」でした。しかも、伊福部先生が近くの座席にお座りになったのには感激でした。
I listened to the live performance of Symphonic Ode “Gotama the Buddha” for the first time at Mr. Ifukube’s 90th birthday concert (Suntory Hall) on May 31st, 2004. Besides, I was moved that Mr. Ifukube sat near me.

Looking back now, that was the last time I saw him alive. I am grateful to Mr. Ifukube who left behind many great works.
